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KIS Corporation Корея Корея KIS Corporation
Since the company’s founding in 1994 years, the management & employees at KIS Affiliate companies themselves to excellence quality & serving the community. Through many change in Korea industrial & economy development and KIS management, we have stuck steadfastly to our belief. We are pleased that this perseverance has enabled KIS to achieve its goals and grow steadily stronger. Being grateful to the society and, especially, to the people in various business sector for their support and concern, we want to share our belief with you.
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Работает с производительностью 2000 таблеток в час на электродвигателях мощностью 0,75кВт и 25Вт. Оснащен высокоэффективным червячным редуктором, герметично укрытом и работающем в масляной бане. На прессе установлена система автоматического сброса давления, обеспечивающая защиту от использования на машине чрезмерного давления.