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SaintyCo ® 中国 中国 SaintyCo ®

作為領先的專業製藥機械和交鑰匙cGMP專案整體解決方案供應商之一,已有20年歷史。 舜天將歐洲技術與中國製造優勢結合,從我們現代化的中國工廠向全球客戶提供符合歐洲標準的高端設備和專案。

  • 公升或公斤/h 公升或公斤/h
  • 产品类型
    粉末, 颗粒状

This equipment can execute automatically raising, blending and lowering tasks. One main machine can be configured with multi-bins, so varietal blending can be satisfied, consequently it is considered as the ideal blending equipment in pharmaceutical industry. It is also widely used in chemical, foodstuff industries, etc. Blending speed: 20 rpm