Only 560, Per today 1
Angel Beverage Machinery Co.,Ltd China China Angel Beverage Machinery Co.,Ltd
Our company is strong in technology development, and our products are not only advanced in design But also skilful in construction. We also provide good service in installation. In view of the market demand at home and abroad. Our company has developed a variety of production lines and related equipments, can meet the needs of different customers. At present, the company's products are not only used in the field of domestic beverage processing, but also exported to Southeast Asia, Russia, Africa, America and other countries and regions.
  • Capacity/hour pcs/hour
  • Container type
    PET bottles
  • Product type
  • Carbonation

Оснащена высокоскоростным клапаном наполнения с большой силой потока, обеспечивает быстрое, точное дозирование жидкости без утечек. Управление под ПЛК(OMRON), параметры вводятся с ИЧМ на сенсорном экране. Машина изготовлена из нержавеющей стали 304.

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