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Anchor Mark Private Limited India India Anchor Mark Private Limited
Anchor Mark Private Limited was first established in the name of Anchor Mark in 1980 with the objective of manufacturing and marketing machineries for the pharmaceutical, food, beverage and cosmetic industry. Anchor Mark today has complete infrastructure to produce equipment that are energy-efficient and reliable with high performance levels while being compliant, at the same time, to cGMP (current Good Manufacturing Practice) and various regulatory requirements.
  • Capacity (L) kg / h liter, kg / h
  • Product type
    powder, granulate
  • Type of application

RAPIDMIX - High Shear Mixer Granulator has been developed for mixing of ingredients as well as wet granulation. The multi-bladed impeller is fitted close to the base of the mixing bowl whereas the chopper is mounted on the wall of the mixing bowl. Both the impeller & the chopper have dual-speed options for gently distributing the binder solution as it is added and creating the vortex of the material being mixed.